Tent Rental

                                              Delafield Lions Tent

Need a tent for a family party?  How about for an outdoor wedding reception?  Why not rent a tent from your local Lion’s club where all proceeds go towards helping those less fortunate?  Our 20′ x 30′ frame tent with one piece top  is perfect for your get together. 


• 1/2 price for Members that donate their time to erect and tear down the club tent at least ten times.
• $500.00 for Non-members. Lions crew will arrange for delivery, erect and tear down a 20′ x 30′ tent (as shown).


Tent Rental Form

Please fill out this form to reserve a tent for your function!

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Price: $500.00
    One 20' x 30' frame tent with one-piece canopy.
  • Price: $50.00
  • $0.00

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